At VIGYAN DHARA GURUKUL, we are exclusively focused on NEET, just to ensure that our students get the best possible VIGYAN DHARA GURUKUL team Know Success in Competitive Entrance Exams is entirely dependent on fundamental understanding of subjects. Questions in Competitive Entrance Exam require a fundamental understanding on the concepts depth of subject and quick application in exam in time bound manner.
Our classroom teaching has to focus on developing an understanding of basic concepts and their applications. Hence teachers have to focus on explaining concepts and their applications, and it is felt that during preparation for entrance exams very little efforts and time should be spent on memorizing formulas. This practice is in line with Competitive exams culture, where most exams are open book and students are allowed to take their books and exams in classroom. This is in direct contrast to school examinations where have to remember vast amount of content to do well in exams.